JQL JaVers Query Language examples JaVers Documentation

This means that if there is no Boolean operator between two terms, the AND operator is used. The AND operator matches documents where both terms exist anywhere in the text of a single document. To find exact matches for phrases, for example Jira Software, you need to enclose the whole phrase in quote-marks (“). Otherwise, the search will return all issues that contain both words in no particular order – this would include Jira Software, but also Jira is the best software!. You can find saved searches (also known as Saving your search as a filter) in the left-side panel, when using advanced search. If the left panel is not showing, hover your mouse over the left side of the screen to display it.

jql documentation

Note, it is safer to search by component ID than by component name. Different projects may have components with the same name, so searching by component name may return issues from multiple projects. It what are JQL queries and how to use them is also possible for your Jira administrator to change the name of a component, which could break any saved filters that rely on that name. Component IDs, however, are unique and cannot be changed.

See all Configured Functions (administrator users)

Will return objects which have outbound referenced objects of Employees and only for those Employees objects whose Reference Type is “Location”. Will return objects which have inbound referenced objects of “File System” and only for those File System objects whose Reference Type is “Depends”. Returns all Employee objects whose Employment End Date falls before 90 days from the current month’s end date.

jql documentation

The TerminalClause
is Jira’s representation of the JQL condition we validate. For functions it represents a JQL condition of the form name operator function(arg1, arg2, …, argn). The name, operator, and function can be returned by calling TerminalClause.getName, TerminalClause.getOperator,
and TerminalClause.getOperand respectively. The JqlFunction.getMinimumNumberOfExpectedArguments returns the smallest number of arguments that the function
can accept.

Querying for Value Object changes

This query also shows how JIRA supports relative dates. The value -1d evaluates to 1 day behind the current date when the query is run. As a result, the above query will return all issues that do not have an assignee and haven’t been updated in the past day.

jql documentation

The second aggregation instructs JQL to strip off position 0 of the key holding the distinct_id, and aggregate again, counting results up. The result is going to be a number of unique users for each country. A very common use-case for groupByUser() is to compute some property of each user based on their behavior. For example, the code below computes what events users typically perform after a “login” event.

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