Something I’ve Noticed About Women Over 40 And Never Been Married .?

A very different time today unfortunately since most women i will say just Can’t Accept us men for who we really are anymore, and it is very sad since it really does take two to tango these days. I do not think it is a good idea when people divorce to stay good friends as it seems he feels entitled to some things that he would not ever think of getting if she had kept the distance. Women that date men for money are nothing but users and losers altogether anyway since they just can’t Accept a man for who he really is anymore.

Because we r sitting here reading posts that say we may as well accept the fact that we are going to be alone the rest of our lives. I have so much MORE to offer at 53 thatn i did at 33….but the packaging is older….and nobody gives me a second thougt! I left a totally dysunctional relationship i tried to keep going for 8 yrs. 2 weeks after i said done…he was with a 45 yr old grandmother and they r now …a year later…raising the grandchild! Signed up on eharmony….and feel totally pathetic about it.

At 40, I have so many relationship red flags, most due to a cheating spouse, that I’m starting to consider myself undateable . These red flags set of triggers to either run, or fix. That’s where overcompensation comes in, and I ruin things. I’ve been with women that do the exact same thing.

If I had a dollar for every time a woman has said to me “You’re a nice guy, and you are really great looking and smart, BUT ” I’d be richer than Gates, man. Men make choices too, good and bad. It takes two people to make a marriage work and to keep it together.

Truthfully, the men in their twenties aren’t even competition. Age, wisdom, experience, class, a few grey hairs, and a well-tailored suit garner me all the attention I want. I haven’t fallen in love just yet, but a simple prenup will weed out the gold diggers if I do. 55 guy……you sound just fine to me. Being an avid reader myself I think you have a great job, and I have found that men your height can be just as nice, if not more so, than taller men. The criticisms and judgements you’ve received from women are arrogant, superficial, and unfair.

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I realize the skin gets a bit crapey as we get older but eating right 90% of the time along with weight training can keep the skin youthful much longer. But being fit is a great way to spend retirement years. I need someone to spend the rest of my healthy, fit life with.

In 1832, the future Queen Victoria wrote about her delight at having a Christmas tree, hung with lights, ornaments, and presents placed round it. After her marriage to her German cousin Prince Albert, by 1841 the custom became more widespread throughout Britain. The Restoration of King Charles II in 1660 ended the ban, and Christmas was again freely celebrated in England.

I think with many women, its not the number of things that are deal breakers its that the things they want in a man contradict each other. I’ve heard women effectively say that they want a strong, manly man who will be do whatever they want them to do. They want a husband who’ll control them and tell them what to do but at the same time they want to control their husband and at the same time they want an equal partner. This is a deep emotional need for some women and some know it doesn’t make any sense and others know but rationalize it. They have a nice husband but end up having an affair with a truck driver or biker dude that orders her around in the bedroom because it is thrilling for her.

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Like the story above, we just want trust and affection. Ladies, don’t fall into this trap. If you get nothing from the relationship then amicably split. Let’s face it, we’re all getting too old to not enjoy life. If your life isn’t better because he’s in it, then he shouldn’t be. There really are other fish in the sea.

Now that I am here, he is getting fit, but he is looking for love elsewhere. I realize I have standards but they are not money or status related. I just want a good guy with integrity and respect for others, willing to make me as important in his life as he’d be in mine. Said I was being over the top , said he didn’t need this with all he’s going through, and we ought to step back and take a breath. He is totally freaked out so I offered to walk away and leave him alone. I probably won’t hear from him again.

I have been out with some ladies, I am amazed. They were or were old enough to be nannies, They are nothing like you would think of a nanner. Instead of being 66, they are more likely a year old.They appear to have been to the gym for an hour a day!

Without that, they are willing to lead a life that centers around their girlfriends, children, and cats. I’m worried that I come across as unsure of myself because I lived with a woman who could go from laughing and joking around to being in a total rage instantly for no real reason. If you’ve ever dealt with a child in the terrible two stage, you’ve seen this type of behavior. I just found it very difficult to cope when it was an adult doing it.