Cocaine: Side-Effects and Addiction Treatment

Using it increases your risk of serious and sometimes life-threatening medical conditions like heart attack, stroke and drug overdose. Cocaine use disorder (addiction) can affect your personal relationships. Cognitive behavioral therapy may help people recover from cocaine use disorder. Inpatient programs can provide you with medical oversight, as well as medication-assisted treatment to reduce any withdrawal symptoms. The 24/7 care will allow you to safely detox off cocaine, and recover in a clean environment. Behavioral therapy is also available to help treat underlying causes of addiction, alongside any mental health issues of the patient.

  • This behavioral treatment has been shown to be effective generally as an augmenting agent to other forms of psychosocial treatment.
  • In a study presented to the American Heart Association, Australian researchers described cocaine as “the perfect heart attack drug.” The effects are so immediate, even a healthy first-time cocaine user can have a heart attack.
  • Potential relapse-prevention medications include GABAergic medications, such as baclofen, tiagabine, and topiramate, and the glutamatergic medication, modafinil.

Though it has an accepted medical application, the drug also has a high potential for abuse. When either injected or inhaled, cocaine can reach the human brain and build up a rapid, intensely euphoric effect within seconds. This is due to the rapid increase of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain, which is critical in the regulation of feelings of reward.

How Long Does Rehab for Cocaine Addiction Take?

Like adults, teens may exhibit several physical red flags when experiencing drug and alcohol use. Work in animal models has also shown that exercise changes gene expression by altering both histones and the molecular tags directly attached to DNA. This increases the activity of genes important to the activity and plasticity of neurons, supporting the idea that exercise improves learning and memory and can decrease the risk of dementia. A popular misconception is that addiction is a result of low willpower. But an explosion of knowledge and technology in the field of molecular genetics has changed our basic understanding of addiction drastically over the past decade.

Dr. Moawad regularly writes and edits health and career content for medical books and publications. Following initial treatment, some people are transferred to a drug-free therapeutic community (TC) for six to 18 months to reinforce coping skills in a community atmosphere. Substance use disorder occurs when an individual continues to use a substance despite clinically significant impairment, including health problems, disability, and failure to meet major responsibilities at work, school, or home.

I’m In Recovery

Cocaine is one of the oldest known drugs and has been abused around the world for decades. Cocaine addiction leads to extreme physical and psychological consequences that can have permanent effects on the user and those around them. In most, but not all, trials of long-acting cocaine addiction treatment amphetamine or methamphetamine treatment, retention has been poor. In at least one trial, the poor retention rate was due, not to poor tolerability of the medication, but rather to the stringent retention criteria used in these preliminary proof-of-concept trials.

what is the treatment for cocaine addiction

The first clinical trial of modafinil was conducted with a sample of 62 individuals with DSM-IV cocaine dependence treated for 8 weeks. This trial was followed by a 12-week multicenter trial in which 210 subjects with DSM-IV cocaine dependence were randomly assigned to receive modafinil 200 mg daily or placebo. No difference was found in cocaine use outcomes between the two groups. In a post hoc analysis among patients who were not concurrently alcohol dependent, modafinil increased abstinence from cocaine compared with placebo (41).

Get Help Today With Overcoming Cocaine Addiction

Preclinical trials of medications that foster GABAergic neurotransmission have suggested that these compounds reduce the dopamine response to cocaine administration and to conditioned reminders of prior cocaine use (49–51). Animal studies of cocaine-induced neuroplasticity have demonstrated that changes in glutamate transmission in the nucleus accumbens are important for the development and expression of the neuroadaptations thought to underlie cocaine addiction (54). Medications that block glutamatergic input into the nucleus accumbens could reduce cocaine craving and prevent relapse to cocaine use in cocaine-dependent individuals (55). Despite many years of research, there are, to date, no pharmacotherapies approved for the treatment of CUD.

  • However, at the conclusion of the 12-week trial, there were no significant differences between topiramate and placebo-treated subjects in any outcome variable.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a popular method for treating people with addictions.
  • Although it does have a few medicinal uses, as a local anesthetic for instance, it also has a high incidence of abuse and potential for addiction.
  • In 2013, cocaine accounted for almost 6 percent of all admissions to drug abuse treatment programs.
  • Tolerance is one of the many symptoms of addiction that develop from the chronic use of cocaine.

Subjects who received sustained-release methamphetamine submitted fewer cocaine-positive urine drug screens during the trial compared to subjects who received the immediate-release methamphetamine or placebo (29% versus 66% and 60%). Although only 32% of the subjects completed the trial, the retention rate was equally poor in both medicated and control groups. Because this was a proof-of-concept trial, the investigators applied stringent retention criteria, requiring participants to provide at least 75% of the requested data for any 2-week period of the trial. Therefore, failing to attend two visits in a given week would, in most cases, result in the subject being discontinued from the study (32). Despite showing reduction in cocaine use overall, many patients do not respond to standard addiction treatments and there are often high dropout rates (10).

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